I recently was given a small vial with a "mushroom" in liquid in it. It was a Kombucha "baby". I have brewed several batches quite successfuly and highly recomend it as a peppy (if somewhat tart) little beverage. Here is a picture of my jar of fermenting tea. It tastes like hard cider but gives the pep of a few cups of coffee without the jitters. Just be sure to drink a lot of water too.If you are a brewer might i suggest brewing with a Chai tea or a green tea with lemon, Yummy! I find them to be less vinegary and I don't need to blend the end product with fruit juice. Although, if blending with juice I really like apricot juice. I am totally smitten with my 'shroom (that white layer on the top is the "mushroom") . Yes it looks very weird and so far I can't get Chris to try it. I will keep trying because it's supposed to have immune boosting properties and who couldn't use that!