Friday, February 27, 2009

Hair Today...

...wig tomorrow. Yesterday I took my long orangey hair to Shapers in New Paltz, NY (they are so nice!) I was planning on a cut, just some style for my long newly unorange locks,(if you have "friended me" on facebook you may have heard about the argument I've had with the boxed color over what one means by "light ash blond") when the lady washing my hair asked if I would be donating. Donating? I hadn't thought of it. I've given my hair away before ( I have a very talented puppet making friend) and I went to art school so my hair has been in paintings and journals and... you get the picture. But with 10 inches or more you can donate to Locks of Love and provide materials for wigs for children. So here's my hair drying on the bathroom table waiting to be mailed off and here I am growing my next donation. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Open hearts

Here they are! This is a kitchen table photo shoot, so not too professional, heart confetti and everything. I really need to get some help with my glazing. But I am really fond of the shape. And I did actually get them done on time. (not all of them but that's good since I don't like the glaze!)

Deadlines Shmeadlines

OK so now you know why I was not a straight A student... Actually I have an excuse, really, I do! Harriett began vomiting profusely Thursday morning, the day I was to be in my studio glazing. I got glazing done and pots fired in time to meet my deadline but didn't take the picture in time.... So here is a cute little girl picture to tide you over until I get my camera into the studio.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My little sweet hearts

I am so excited about these little guys! Unfortunately, as with most things worth loving, they have become a challenge. I HATE TO GLAZE! Is it my fear of failure or something? Because if so... I want my money back from all those therapists I've seen about this over the years. I procrastinate and have come to a point in my life where I really don't give a hoot about why, I just want it stopped. NOW! So if in the next 48 hours there is not a picture of the finished little cuties (who may not be so cute by then) for all to see here in cyberspace , well then, I shall be cross. Very cross and will have to have some words with myself. Harsh ones. Yeah that'll teach me! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pre Valentines Picture

Hello, Long time no see! Sorry, overwhelmed cold and a bit down. Well, up and down, it's winter... Here is a hint of the holiday to come. I'll be posting properly soon, really.