Monday, November 9, 2009


Lora Shelley and I are working together again on a few things for the holidays. We will be, both separately and together, in the Haute Craft Show at Posie Kviat Gallery in Hudson, NY. the opening reception is Sat December 5th if you are in the area. Here is a picture of a platter on it's way to Lora's studio....

We are having alot of fun with these!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Off ?

I took the summer "off", which translates to, I was really busy. I had H out of day care for the summer session and thought it would be a lot of empty days... not so! We were on the go quite a lot this summer. 

I'd like to send a BIG THANKS to all of the people we visited! It was so much fun! Hilton Head, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Ohio... and NYC.  

This is I believe the quintessential picture of the summer.

 It took her months but she finally got brave enough to jump right in. (she was just waiting for the right outfit)

 I hope you have all had a great summer. I am looking forward to the Dog Days ahead of us and posting more. 

Friday, May 22, 2009


Announcing my first ever 

Seconds Sale 

Sunday 24 May  from 9am-3pm
90 Bruceville Rd
High Falls, NY


I am cleaning house, litterally... I am also having a Yard Sale same time and place. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I entered a contest and now subscribe to a few blogs. One of them had a posting of lists of 6... this should be the link. Well, last Saturdays topic was 6 ways you are like or unlike your mother...

Here are mine;

1. I am irreverent and find humor in most things, like she did.
2. I write letters (as in correspondence) with the same quirky      style and infrequency.
3. I question authority and am a Feminist (though I call it Humanist).
4. I love my daughter.
5. I love life.
6. Unlike my mother I am still here (she passed away many years ago).

I believe these things to be true from what I have gathered through the years of comments from my relatives. 

This was not supposed to be such a downer! My mother was a lot of fun! Even I remember that! And I hope to carry on that legacy of "Joie de Vivre!" 
 I hope all mothers everywhere had a wonderful weekend. It is important work worthy of lots of celebration! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting it all together...

Busy with sorting through my life (it's been an up and down hill thing). So sorry I haven't posted lately. There are some small vases in the works and some BEAUTIFUL new glazes! I was foolishly excited about them and rushed them out the door without pictures, but there is more where they came from. I finally have a few glazes that  don't play all the dirty tricks that my old ones did (crazing, bubbling chipping and messing with my stains) so I feel much more confident about sending my work home with other people.  Yeah! Must get back to it... more later.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Little Too Much Nature

Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL! Really, one of those days that reminds you why you suffer through the winter and heating bills and outrageous NY State taxes. Spring. Spring is the reward for it all. But... we got home (H and I) yesterday afternoon to find a bat flying around the living room. All well and good, we just left the doors open and went out side. He must have found his way out  since he's not here now. Out side we weeded and swung and generally had a good time :) Upon re entry to our humble abode I noticed... yes they are here already, mosquitoes, in the house! (I hate that, add that to the winter and taxes...) But they are still slow and not as blood thirsty as later in the season so we carry on... A tickling on my thigh during dinner which I assume is an ant (we were weeding) so I shake my self about and think nothing of it... Until later when I go to investigate what I assume is the first mosquito bite of the season and... a tick! The first tick bite of the season, ah mother nature. Spring has sprung!  ( It's still worth it all to be here this time of year! :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Cute Picture

Harriett is mad for my camera...

This is a self portrait, with jelly on her lip. 
(I love the look of concentration, and we really didn't plan the finger-in-the-lens thing)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hi, can't talk now...

Beacause it's spring! Finally, I think it's really hear, I think I can safely put away the winter coats without fear of the wrath of Jack Frost... We'll see. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So today I...

Today I sorted through my freezers. We have two, the one in the fridge and a small chest freezer in the basement. 

I have always been a food saver/storer, even the beautiful Los Angeles sun shine couldn't keep me from stocking up on frozen peas in September. 
I was raised to clean my plate, regardless of how full I am and "waste not want not". However, I was never taught the domestic arts of cooking, planning, organizing and so forth. (yes, I'm sure some one tried)

I found some great resources on (Ooops! This link is not working, sorry) for determining how much and what one might want to have on hand. The information is posted by the Later Day Saints who feel you should have a years worth of essentials on hand. (they make no mention of pet food etc. please don't forget your pets!) I found this a good starting place and went on to more gardening oriented information, root cellering cold frames and so forth. My motives aren't quite the same as the LDS community, I am more interrested in being able to "put by" as it were, but they have really thought things through, check it out. 

Which brings me back to my freezer. I was pleased to find the oldest item was only 3! (years that is) Maybe it will still be OK in a soup, I can't throw it out!  

So, one organizing project knocked of the list in less time than it took to write about it! Yeah for me! 

Getting it all together...

I have come to the realization (yes, rather late in life, but better late than never?) that I REALLY need to get my **it together. I have known this all along but just couldn't bring my self to do it. Not entirely true, there seem to be phases... The point is, I have been looking for a point for this Blog and think I've found one. How'd you like to watch me transform myself from 40 year old struggling pathetic weenie into 41 year old successful organized FABULOUS weenie? You would? Great! So lets start with where we are now.... The above photos were taken during the last couple of weeks of the various spaces in my life. I own my own home and have never settled into it really, never set about to decorate, never really made it my own. Would you like to know why? Perhaps another time, for now let's just say I never gave myself the time. Well, the time is now. So here goes! :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hair Today...

...wig tomorrow. Yesterday I took my long orangey hair to Shapers in New Paltz, NY (they are so nice!) I was planning on a cut, just some style for my long newly unorange locks,(if you have "friended me" on facebook you may have heard about the argument I've had with the boxed color over what one means by "light ash blond") when the lady washing my hair asked if I would be donating. Donating? I hadn't thought of it. I've given my hair away before ( I have a very talented puppet making friend) and I went to art school so my hair has been in paintings and journals and... you get the picture. But with 10 inches or more you can donate to Locks of Love and provide materials for wigs for children. So here's my hair drying on the bathroom table waiting to be mailed off and here I am growing my next donation. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Open hearts

Here they are! This is a kitchen table photo shoot, so not too professional, heart confetti and everything. I really need to get some help with my glazing. But I am really fond of the shape. And I did actually get them done on time. (not all of them but that's good since I don't like the glaze!)

Deadlines Shmeadlines

OK so now you know why I was not a straight A student... Actually I have an excuse, really, I do! Harriett began vomiting profusely Thursday morning, the day I was to be in my studio glazing. I got glazing done and pots fired in time to meet my deadline but didn't take the picture in time.... So here is a cute little girl picture to tide you over until I get my camera into the studio.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My little sweet hearts

I am so excited about these little guys! Unfortunately, as with most things worth loving, they have become a challenge. I HATE TO GLAZE! Is it my fear of failure or something? Because if so... I want my money back from all those therapists I've seen about this over the years. I procrastinate and have come to a point in my life where I really don't give a hoot about why, I just want it stopped. NOW! So if in the next 48 hours there is not a picture of the finished little cuties (who may not be so cute by then) for all to see here in cyberspace , well then, I shall be cross. Very cross and will have to have some words with myself. Harsh ones. Yeah that'll teach me! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pre Valentines Picture

Hello, Long time no see! Sorry, overwhelmed cold and a bit down. Well, up and down, it's winter... Here is a hint of the holiday to come. I'll be posting properly soon, really.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just incase anybody reading this hasn't read Nie Nie's blog I'd like to guide you there. Times are hard almost any way you look at it but one thing is eternal and abundant...Love. Ok maybe two things, love and hope? Sorry I can't be there for you with a box of tissues, but it's worth the tears and runny nose to witness such strength and grace. I don't know this courageous woman but I am forever greatful for knowing of her.  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snowy Sunday

I love waking to a world magically covered in sparkly white! (Especially now that I am married and my husband does the shoveling :) I had my camera ready for a little walk this morning ...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy 2009

We spent our new years eve at home with our friends Stephanie and Michael and their girls Cricket and Calico. Much crazy running around but the party broke up on the early side (as half the guests were under 6) and we all observed the turning of time from dreamland...