Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So today I...

Today I sorted through my freezers. We have two, the one in the fridge and a small chest freezer in the basement. 

I have always been a food saver/storer, even the beautiful Los Angeles sun shine couldn't keep me from stocking up on frozen peas in September. 
I was raised to clean my plate, regardless of how full I am and "waste not want not". However, I was never taught the domestic arts of cooking, planning, organizing and so forth. (yes, I'm sure some one tried)

I found some great resources on (Ooops! This link is not working, sorry) for determining how much and what one might want to have on hand. The information is posted by the Later Day Saints who feel you should have a years worth of essentials on hand. (they make no mention of pet food etc. please don't forget your pets!) I found this a good starting place and went on to more gardening oriented information, root cellering cold frames and so forth. My motives aren't quite the same as the LDS community, I am more interrested in being able to "put by" as it were, but they have really thought things through, check it out. 

Which brings me back to my freezer. I was pleased to find the oldest item was only 3! (years that is) Maybe it will still be OK in a soup, I can't throw it out!  

So, one organizing project knocked of the list in less time than it took to write about it! Yeah for me! 

1 comment:

Martha said...

That's great...I know we have lots of old stuff in our fridge...especially condiments. Ketchup goes quickly, mustard and any other salad dressing other than ranch go slowly. You're wise to remember your pets! Rob is always stocking up on stuff like crazy whenever there is a sale.