Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Picture for our times...

This is rather like how I imagine we've all been feeling lately, delicate flowers in a heavy rain...

I have stopped listening to the news, not completely but almost. We don't have television, just NPR. How many times a day does one need to hear "the sky is falling"? I mean really... hell, hand basket, I get it! 

I choose to continue to believe in sunshine and rain, ok even snow, but there is always sun even if we can't see it. 

1 comment:

Martha said...

On a cup from Starbucks I read a quote that went something like this:
If you want to see the rainbow, you've gotta put up with the rain.
-Dolly Parton

Oh, an Andrea has a game called the "Ungame" and one question there is "What color do you associate with happiness?" Ask a handful of people and 90% of the time you'll hear "yellow" because of the good ol' sunshine, I think!